Brazil Kite Rental in the kitesurfing mecca Prea, near Jericoacoara. Opening midle of  September 2024

From midle September 2024 there will be the possibility of renting kite equipment at the kitesurfing mecca Preá, in Ceará, Brazil. There are 2 categories, A material and B material. A is used material in good to very good condition. B is used material which is offered at a lower price.

Our special service: If you are planning a kite trip between Cumbuco and Prea you can rent the kite equipment for the entire time. For a fee, the Equipment can be transported for example to Cumbuco for handover. Return would then be in Prea or by appointment. This saves a lot of time and is extremely convenient.

Brasil Kite Rental na meca do kitesurf Preá, próximo a Jericoacoara. Abertura em setembro de 2024

A partir de meados de setembro de 2024 haverá a possibilidade de alugar equipamentos de kite na meca do kitesurf Preá, no Ceará, Brazil. Existem 2 categorias, material A e material B. A é usado material em bom a muito bom estado. B é o material usado que é oferecido a um preço mais baixo. 


Nosso serviço especial: Se você está planejando uma viagem de kite entre Cumbuco e Preá, você pode alugar o equipamento de kite para todo o tempo. Por uma taxa, o equipamento pode ser transportado, por exemplo, para Cumbuco para entrega. O retorno seria então no Preá ou com hora marcada. Isso economiza muito tempo e é extremamente conveniente.

Price list and terms and conditions can be found below

A lista de preços e os termos e condições podem ser encontrados abaixo

Karl Josef Hirt and Gustavo Somensato. Gustavo, on the right is the owner of Villa Aracoara and co-manager of Brazil Kite Rental. Opening mid-September 2024. The picture was taken on the beach of Prea.

Brazil Kite Rental Office, Villa Aracoara, Praia do Preá, Cruz - CE 62595-000 

Please check:

A Material

Core Kite Equipment, good to very good condition

Core Kite XR, very good condition

Core Sensor 2 Bar, good condition 

Core Sensor 3 Bar, good condition 

Core Sensor 3 Bar Carbon, very good condition 

Core Kite Equipment, good condition, Model Section Wave 

F-one Carbon Board, 137 x 42 Model 2023, very good condition

Carved Imperator 6, 139 x 42,5 cm, very good condition. Experts only, price on request.

ION and Mystic Harness

Protection Gear

B Material

F-one Kite Bandit 

F-one Kite Bandit 

F-one Bar

Cabrinha Kite, Switchblade

Cabrinha Kite, Switchblade

Cabrinha Bar

F-one Board Trax 135 x 39

If you already have questions about this topic, you can contact us at any time via the Contact link. We look forward to every inquiry and will get back to you. Sincerely, Karl Josef Hirt and Stephan Hirt

Se você já tem dúvidas sobre este tema, você sempre pode entrar em contato conosco através do link de contato. Estamos ansiosos para cada inquérito e entraremos em contato com você. Atenciosamente, Karl Josef Hirt e Stephan Hirt 

Price list A Material

 Full Equipment: 1 x Kite, 1 x Bar, 1 x Board, 1 x Harness, 1 x Vest and Helmet / 1 Week, 7 days, Brazilian Real 2500 / Euro 450

Full Equipment: 1 x Kite, 1 x Bar, 1 x Board, 1 x Harness, 1 x Vest and Helmet / 1 day, Brazilian Real 450 / Euro 80

Unit price per day:

1 x Kite Brazilian Real 300 / Euro 54

1 x Bar Brazilian Real 140 / Euro 25

1 x Board Brazilian Real 140/ Euro 25

1 x Harness Brazilian Real 55 / Euro 10

1 x Vest / Helmet Brazilian Real 28 / Euro 5 

Price list B Material

 Full Equipment: 1 x Kite, 1 x Bar, 1 x Board, 1 x Harness, 1 x Vest and Helmet / 1 Week, 7 days, Brazilian Real 1700 / Euro 305

Full Equipment: 1 x Kite, 1 x Bar, 1 x Board, 1 x Harness, 1 x Vest and Helmet / 1 day, Brazilian Real 340 / Euro 60

Unit price per day:

1 x Kite Brazilian Real 190 / Euro 34

1 x Bar Brazilian Real 100 / Euro 18

1 x Board Brazilian Real 100/ Euro 18

1 x Harness Brazilian Real 55 / Euro 10 

1 x Vest / Helmet Brazilian Real 28 / Euro 5 

Terms & Conditions

For multi-day, weekly rentals, we require a 20% advance payment for the reservation. The remaining payment can be paid at the time of equipment handover.
At the handover, we charge a deposit of 20%, which the customer will be refunded after returning and checking the equipment.
Kiteboarding is a dangerous sport. We, the rental company Kite - Vertical assume no liability for any accidents and damages. The renter, customer acts on his own responsibility and must pay for any accidents and damages himself. The customer is responsible for damage and loss of kite equipment and must pay for it financially.